Recovery Rituals

Recovering people maintain a Recovery Focus; this means we aim our brains toward recovery (and what that might be). Even if the focus isn't exactly clear, we keep our eye on the prize of sober living. To gather more information about sobriety and how to live life in recovery, we then turn to Recovery Rituals.

Recovery Rituals are: going to a regular Twelve Step meeting, calling a sober friend with consistency, reading recovery literature, etc.

In Recovery Rituals, we find more than flimsy hope. We discover tools for living and loving better. We see concrete evidence of people living the lives they want - all while sober. We feel better and can freely laugh once again. When we find just the right Recovery Rituals, we feel safe to just be. With our chosen Recovery Rituals, we can feel the presence of others supporting us (even at our most uncomfortable). This sense of safety we carry with us, one day at a time.

The support of Recovery Rituals and the people that do our rituals with us urge us to grow into who we have always been, and who we want to be. The rituals, in a sense, are one of the gates leading back to our souls. Want to walk through a gate now and step into caring for your soul? If the answer is yes, choose a Recovery Ritual now and do it.


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