For Clinicians
At the end of each chapter in my book, you will find the “Clinician’s Corner.”
This space offers specific instruction and perspective for mental health professionals and drug counselors reading the book. But it's also a place for the recovering person to learn that licensed people are human, too. And, that the mental health professional’s job is to assist clients in getting back on track towards their authentic home within–to their own hearts’ desires and sense of wholeness so they can live—and love—the way they want, with freedom.

For the goal of aiding clients to access their own agency in recovery and living the life they want, my book offers:
Exercises for mental health professionals/drug counselors to give to their clients
Evidence-based studies supporting elements of the Recovery Cycle
A stellar note/citation section, leading readers to these studies and other relevant resources
Bibliotherapy for recovering people
A psychoeducational tool where clients can see at-a-glance where they are in the recovery process, and what options they have for any life challenge
The value of secondary addictions and what to do about them
Practical tips for intimate relating
This unique approach shows clinicians how to create a safe psychological space to give recovering people permission to be, feel, think, and share in their own way –and live the life they want - which any good therapist will help clients do.
P.S. The book outlines the recovery process for recovery for both substance and process (behavioral) addictions, secondary addictions and attachment challenges.