The Theoretical Basis of WANT® Communication
WANT® Communication
The theoretical basis of WANT® Communication ideas are drawn from Sigmund Freud (founding father of psychoanalysis - he analyzed the psyche), Eric Berne (creator of Transactional Analysis - he analyzed communications or what is observable), and Carl Jung (who brought in the spiritual).
The unique system of communication skills called “Androgynous Semantic Realignment” or ASR, incorporates ideas from Freud, Berne, and Jung.
What is ASR?
The “Androgynous” recognizes we are all androgynous - that we all have both masculine (YANG) and feminine (YIN) energy within us.
The “Semantic” emphasizes that the words we use are important! Words can be daggers or doves. We can learn to speak rationally and lovingly (and from our male and female), no matter how angry, frightened, intimidated, etc. we may feel. Ritualized use of words helps us regulate our emotions, not deny them.
The “Realignment” stands for modifying gamey, intimidating, and guiltifying language patters into rational, straight, complementary communication. By realigning our speech patterns from highly emotional to rational, relationships become more complementary and harmonious.